
§ 1328.5 Applications.

(a) To be eligible to receive a grant under § 1388.2 for a Center, an entity shall submit to the Secretary, or his or her designee, an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information, as the Secretary, or his or her designee, may require for approval.

(b) Each application shall describe a five-year plan that must include:

(1) Projected goal(s) related to one or more areas of emphasis described in § 1325.3 of this chapter for each of the core functions.

(2) Measures of progress.

(c) The application shall contain or be supported by reasonable assurances that the entity designated as the Center will:

(1) Meet the measures of progress;

(2) Address the projected goals, and carry out goal-related activities, based on data driven strategic planning and in a manner consistent with the objectives of subtitle D of the Act, that:

(i) Are developed in collaboration with the Consumer Advisory Committee established pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section;

(ii) Are consistent with, and to the extent feasible complement and further, the Council goals contained in the State plan submitted under section 124 of the DD Act of 2000 and the goals of the Protection and Advocacy System established under section 143 of the DD Act of 2000; and

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