Application for a permit; authorization by permit.

§ 144.31 Application for a permit; authorization by permit.

(a) Permit application. Unless an underground injection well is authorized by rule under subpart C of this part, all injection activities including construction of an injection well are prohibited until the owner or operator is authorized by permit. An owner or operator of a well currently authorized by rule must apply for a permit under this section unless well authorization by rule was for the life of the well or project. Authorization by rule for a well or project for which a permit application has been submitted terminates for the well or project upon the effective date of the permit. Procedures for applications, issuance and administration of emergency permits are found exclusively in § 144.34. A RCRA permit applying the standards of part 264, subpart C of this chapter will constitute a UIC permit for hazardous waste injection wells for which the technical standards in part 146 of this chapter are not generally appropriate.

(b) Who applies? When a facility or activity is owned by one person but is operated by another person, it is the operator's duty to obtain a permit.

(c) Time to apply. Any person who performs or proposes an underground injection for which a permit is or will be required shall submit an application to the Director in accordance with the UIC program as follows:

(1) For existing wells, as expeditiously as practicable and in accordance with the schedule in any program description under § 145.23(f) or (for EPA administered programs) on a schedule established by the Regional Administrator, but no later than 4 years from the approval or promulgation of the UIC program, or as required under § 144.14(b) for wells injecting hazardous waste. For EPA administered programs the owner or operator of Class I or III wells shall submit a complete permit application no later than 1 year after the effective date of the program.

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