
42 U.S. Code § 300ff-15. Application

(a) In generalTo be eligible to receive a grant under section 300ff–11 of this title, an eligible area shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an application, in accordance with subsection (c) regarding a single application and grant award, at such time, in such form, and containing such information as the Secretary shall require, including assurances adequate to ensure—
that funds received under a grant awarded under this subpart will be utilized to supplement not supplant State funds made available in the year for which the grant is awarded to provide HIV-related services as described in section 300ff–14(b)(1) of this title;
that the political subdivisions within the eligible area will maintain the level of expenditures by such political subdivisions for HIV-related services as described in section 300ff–14(b)(1) of this title at a level that is equal to the level of such expenditures by such political subdivisions for the preceding fiscal year; and
that political subdivisions within the eligible area will not use funds received under a grant awarded under this subpart in maintaining the level of expenditures for HIV-related services as required in subparagraph (B);
that the eligible area has an HIV health services planning council and has entered into intergovernmental agreements pursuant to section 300ff–12 of this title, and has developed or will develop the comprehensive plan in accordance with section 300ff–12(b)(3)(B) [1] of this title;
that entities within the eligible area that receive funds under a grant under this subpart will maintain appropriate relationships with entities in the eligible area served that constitute key points of access to the health care system for individuals with HIV/AIDS (including emergency rooms, substance abuse treatment programs, detoxification centers, adult and juvenile detention facilities, sexually transmitted disease clinics, HIV counseling and testing sites, mental health programs, and homeless shelters), and other entities under section [2] 300ff–14(b)(3) 1 and 300ff–52(a) of this title, for the purpose of facilitating early intervention for individuals newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and individuals knowledgeable of their HIV status but not in care;
that the chief elected official of the eligible area will satisfy all requirements under section 300ff–14(c) of this title;
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