Applicability and designation of regulated entity.

§ 59.201 Applicability and designation of regulated entity.

(a) The provisions of the subpart apply to consumer products manufactured or imported on or after December 10, 1998 for sale or distribution in the United States.

(b) The regulated entity is: the manufacturer or importer of the product; and any distributor that is named on the product label. The manufacturer or importer of the product is a regulated entity for purposes of compliance with the volatile organic compounds (VOC) content or emission limits in § 49.203, regardless of whether the manufacturer or importer is named on the label or not. The distributor, if named on the label, is the regulated entity for purposes of compliance with all sections of this part except for § 59.203. Distributors whose names do not appear on the label are not regulated entities. If no distributor is named on the label, then the manufacturer or importer is responsible for compliance with all sections of this part.

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