Applicability and designation of affected source.

§ 63.560 Applicability and designation of affected source.

(a) Maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards. (1) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards in § 63.562(b) and (d) of this subpart are applicable to existing and new sources with emissions of 10 or 25 tons, as that term is defined in § 63.561, except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, and are applicable to new sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons, as that term is defined in § 63.561, except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) Existing sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons are not subject to the emissions standards in § 63.562(b) and (d).

(3) The recordkeeping requirements of § 63.567(j)(4) and the emission estimation requirements of § 63.565(l) apply to existing sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons.

(4) Existing sources with emissions less than 10 and 25 tons must meet the submerged fill standards of 46 CFR 153.282.

(b) Reasonably available control technology (RACT) standards. (1) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to RACT standards in § 63.562(c) and (d) of this subpart are applicable to sources with throughput of 10 M barrels or 200 M barrels, as that term is defined in § 63.561, except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section.

(2) Sources with throughput less than 10 M barrels and 200 M barrels, as that term is defined in § 63.561, are not subject to the emissions standards in § 63.562(c) and (d).

(c) General Provisions applicability. Owners or operators of affected sources, as that term is defined in § 63.561, of this subpart must comply with the requirements of subpart A of this part in accordance with the provisions for applicability of subpart A to this subpart in Table 1 of this section.

(d) Exemptions from MACT and RACT standards. (1) This subpart does not apply to emissions resulting from marine tank vessel loading operations, as that term is defined in § 63.561, of commodities with vapor pressures less than 10.3 kilopascals (kPa) (1.5 pounds per square inch, absolute) (psia) at standard conditions, 20 °C and 760 millimeters Hg (mm Hg).

(2) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards in § 63.562(b)(2), (3) and (4) and to the RACT standards in § 63.562(c)(3) and (4) do not apply to marine tank vessel loading operations where emissions are reduced by using a vapor balancing system, as that term is defined in § 63.561. The provisions pertaining to the vapor collection system, ship-to-shore compatibility, and vapor tightness of marine tank vessels in § 63.562(b)(1) and (c)(2) do apply.

(3) The provisions of this subpart pertaining to the MACT standards in § 63.562(b)(2), (3), and (4) do not apply to marine tank vessel loading operations that are contiguous with refinery operations at sources subject to and complying with subpart CC of this part, National Emissions Standards for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum Refineries, except to the extent that any such provisions of this subpart are made applicable by subpart CC of this part.

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