
§ 63.420 Applicability.

(a) The affected source to which the provisions of this subpart apply is each bulk gasoline terminal, except those bulk gasoline terminals:

(1) For which the owner or operator has documented and recorded to the Administrator's satisfaction that the result, ET, of the following equation is less than 1, and complies with requirements in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section:

ET = CF[0.59(TF)(1-CE) + 0.17 (TE) + 0.08(TES) + 0.038(TI) + 8.5 × 10-6(C) + KQ] + 0.04(OE)


ET = emissions screening factor for bulk gasoline terminals; CF = 0.161 for bulk gasoline terminals and pipeline breakout stations that do not handle any reformulated or oxygenated gasoline containing 7.6 percent by volume or greater methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), OR CF = 1.0 for bulk gasoline terminals and pipeline breakout stations that handle reformulated or oxygenated gasoline containing 7.6 percent by volume or greater MTBE; CE = control efficiency limitation on potential to emit for the vapor processing system used to control emissions from fixed-roof gasoline storage vessels [value should be added in decimal form (percent divided by 100)]; TF = total number of fixed-roof gasoline storage vessels without an internal floating roof; TE = total number of external floating roof gasoline storage vessels with only primary seals; TES = total number of external floating roof gasoline storage vessels with primary and secondary seals; TI = total number of fixed-roof gasoline storage vessels with an internal floating roof; C = number of valves, pumps, connectors, loading arm valves, and open-ended lines in gasoline service; Q = gasoline throughput limitation on potential to emit or gasoline throughput limit in compliance with paragraphs (c), (d), and (f) of this section (liters/day); K = 4.52 × 10−6 for bulk gasoline terminals with uncontrolled loading racks (no vapor collection and processing systems), ORK = (4.5 × 10−9)(EF + L) for bulk gasoline terminals with controlled loading racks (loading racks that have vapor collection and processing systems installed on the emission stream); EF = emission rate limitation on potential to emit for the gasoline cargo tank loading rack vapor processor outlet emissions (mg of total organic compounds per liter of gasoline loaded); OE = other HAP emissions screening factor for bulk gasoline terminals or pipeline breakout stations (tons per year). OE equals the total HAP from other emission sources not specified in parameters in the equations for ET or EP. If the value of 0.04(OE) is greater than 5 percent of either ET or EP, then paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1) of this section shall not be used to determine applicability; L = 13 mg/l for gasoline cargo tanks meeting the requirement to satisfy the test criteria for a vapor-tight gasoline tank truck in § 60.501 of this chapter, ORL = 304 mg/l for gasoline cargo tanks not meeting the requirement to satisfy the test criteria for a vapor-tight gasoline tank truck in § 60.501 of this chapter; or
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