Appeal from or review of initial decision.

§ 22.30 Appeal from or review of initial decision.

(a) Notice of appeal and appeal brief—(1) Filing an appeal—(i) Filing deadline and who may appeal. Within 30 days after the initial decision is served, any party may file an appeal from any adverse order or ruling of the Presiding Officer.

(ii) Filing requirements. Appellant must file a notice of appeal and an accompanying appellate brief with the Environmental Appeals Board as set forth in § 22.5(a). One copy of any document filed with the Clerk of the Board shall also be served on the Headquarters or Regional Hearing Clerk, as appropriate. Appellant also shall serve a copy of the notice of appeal upon the Presiding Officer. Appellant shall simultaneously serve one copy of the notice and brief upon all other parties and non-party participants.

(iii) Content. The notice of appeal shall summarize the order or ruling, or part thereof, appealed from. The appellant's brief shall contain tables of contents and authorities (with appropriate page references), a statement of the issues presented for review, a statement of the nature of the case and the facts relevant to the issues presented for review (with specific citation or other appropriate reference to the record (e.g., by including the document name and page number)), argument on the issues presented, a short conclusion stating the precise relief sought, alternative findings of fact, and alternative conclusions regarding issues of law or discretion. If any appellant includes attachments to its notice of appeal or appellate brief, the notice of appeal or appellate brief shall contain a table that provides the title of each appended document and assigns a label identifying where it may be found in the record.

(iv) Multiple appeals. If a timely notice of appeal is filed by a party, any other party may file a notice of appeal and accompanying appellate brief on any issue within 20 days after the date on which the first notice of appeal was served or within the time to appeal in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, whichever period ends later.

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