Animal care, well-being, husbandry, veterinary care, and euthanasia.

§ 9.6 Animal care, well-being, husbandry, veterinary care, and euthanasia.

(a) What are the requirements for promoting the well-being of sanctuary chimpanzees? The goal of chimpanzee housing and management in the sanctuary is to promote the chimpanzees' well-being.

(b) What are the provisions for daily chimpanzee husbandry and care? Adequate and proper care for chimpanzees in the sanctuary must be provided with respect to physical environment, housing and husbandry, behavioral management, and population management and control. Specific requirements include the following:

(1) Chimpanzees must have access to food, water, and bedding at all times, unless medical or behavioral conditions dictate otherwise. Husbandry procedures shall represent current policies and practices and conform to standards set by a nationally recognized accrediting association in accordance with the Guide (incorporated by reference, see paragraph (a) of § 9.4).

(2) Indoor primary enclosures must be cleaned as often as required to maintain a clean and healthy environment, with a minimum of once daily. Outdoor enclosures must be monitored daily and cleaned on a routine basis. Outdoor ranging areas will not require a routine cleaning schedule but must be monitored for excessive accumulation of waste or other unhealthy conditions. Housing areas shall provide sufficient space for chimpanzees to perform species-typical behavior and expression. Examples of such activities include but are not limited to natural movements, climbing, swinging, resting, running, group interactions, sleeping, etc. Feeding and watering implements must be sanitized at intervals required to maintain them in a sanitary condition, in accordance with the Guide (incorporated by reference, see paragraph (a) of § 9.4).

(3) The federally supported chimpanzee sanctuary must employ a behavioral scientist knowledgeable in primate behavior and socialization requirements. This individual shall provide primary leadership in developing, implementing, and monitoring the chimpanzee behavioral guidelines for the sanctuary. Enrichment techniques used shall be currently accepted practices. The sanctuary must provide for the expertise to plan, administer, and evaluate the effectiveness of the well-being program.

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