Am I subject to the requirements in this subpart?

§ 63.11081 Am I subject to the requirements in this subpart?

(a) The affected source to which this subpart applies is each area source bulk gasoline terminal, pipeline breakout station, pipeline pumping station, and bulk gasoline plant identified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section. You are subject to the requirements in this subpart if you own or operate one or more of the affected area sources identified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) A bulk gasoline terminal that is not subject to the control requirements of 40 CFR part 63, subpart R (§§ 63.422, 63.423, and 63.424) or 40 CFR part 63, subpart CC (§§ 63.646, 63.648, 63.649, and 63.650).

(2) A pipeline breakout station that is not subject to the control requirements of 40 CFR part 63, subpart R (§§ 63.423 and 63.424).

(3) A pipeline pumping station.

(4) A bulk gasoline plant.

(b) If you are an owner or operator of affected sources, as defined in (a)(1) through (4) of this section, you are not required to meet the obligation to obtain a permit under 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71 as a result of being subject to this subpart. However, you are still subject to the requirement to apply for and obtain a permit under 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71 if you meet one or more of the applicability criteria found in 40 CFR 70.3(a) and (b) or 40 CFR part 71.3(a) and (b).

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