Allotments to States

42 U.S. Code § 623. Allotments to States

(a) In general
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (2), the sum appropriated pursuant to section 625 of this title for each fiscal year shall be allotted by the Secretary for use by cooperating State public welfare agencies which have plans developed jointly by the State agency and the Secretary as follows: The Secretary shall first allot $70,000 to each State, and shall then allot to each State an amount which bears the same ratio to the remainder of such sum as the product of (1) the population of the State under the age of twenty-one and (2) the allotment percentage of the State (as determined under this section) bears to the sum of the corresponding products of all the States.
(2) Grants to States to enhance collaboration between State child welfare and juvenile justice systemsFor each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2023 for which the amount appropriated under section 625 of this title for the fiscal year exceeds $270,000,000—
the Secretary shall reserve from such excess amount such sums as are necessary for making grants under section 628c of this title for such fiscal year; and
the remainder to be applied under paragraph (1) for purposes of making allotments to States for such fiscal year shall be determined after the Secretary first allots $70,000 to each State under such paragraph and reserves such sums under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
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