Alaska hydroelectric power development

42 U.S. Code § 1962d-14a. Alaska hydroelectric power development

(a) Congressional findings and declaration
The Congress finds that the expeditious development of hydroelectric power generating facilities in Alaska that are environmentally sound to assist the Nation in meeting existing and future energy demands is in the national interest.
The Congress therefore declares that the expertise of the Chief of Engineers can and should be utilized for the benefit of local public bodies in the development of projects which yield 90 per centum or more of the benefits of the project are attributable to hydroelectric power generation when the project is fully operational.
(b) Establishment of fund; composition
To meet the goals of this section, there is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States an Alaska Hydroelectric Power Development Fund (hereafter referred to as the “fund”) to be and remain available for use by the Secretary of the Army (hereinafter referred to as the “Secretary”) to make expenditures authorized by this section. The fund shall consist of (1) all receipts and collections by the Secretary of repayments in accordance with subsection (e) of this section and payments by non-Federal public authorities to the Secretary to finance the cost of construction of projects in accordance with subsection (f) of this section, and which the Secretary is hereby directed to deposit in the fund as they are received, and (2) any appropriations made by the Congress to the fund.
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