Air contaminant discharge permits.

§ 52.1988 Air contaminant discharge permits.

(a) Except for compliance schedules under OAR 340-200-0050, emission limitations and other provisions contained in Air Contaminant Discharge Permits issued by the State in accordance with the provisions of the Federally-approved rules for Air Contaminant Discharge Permits (OAR chapter 340, Division 216), Plant Site Emission Limit (OAR chapter 340, Division 222), Alternative Emission Controls (OAR 340-226-0400) and Public Participation (OAR chapter 340, Division 209), shall be applicable requirements of the Federally-approved Oregon SIP (in addition to any other provisions) for the purposes of section 113 of the Clean Air Act and shall be enforceable by EPA and by any person in the same manner as other requirements of the SIP. Plant site emission limits and alternative emission limits (bubbles) established in Federal Operating Permits issued by the State in accordance with the Federally-approved rules for Plant Site Emission Limit (OAR chapter 340, Division 222) and Alternative Emission Controls (OAR 340-226-0400), shall be applicable requirements of the Federally-approved Oregon SIP (in addition to any other provisions) for the purposes of section 113 of the Clean Air Act and shall be enforceable by EPA and by any person in the same manner as other requirements of the SIP.

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