Adjustments to national program payment and beneficiary copayment amounts.

§ 419.43 Adjustments to national program payment and beneficiary copayment amounts.

(a) General rule. CMS determines national prospective payment rates for hospital outpatient department services and determines a wage adjustment factor to adjust the portion of the APC payment and national beneficiary copayment amount attributable to labor-related costs for relative differences in labor and labor-related costs across geographic regions in a budget neutral manner.

(b) Labor-related portion of payment and copayment rates for hospital outpatient services. CMS determines the portion of hospital outpatient costs attributable to labor and labor-related costs (known as the “labor-related portion” of hospital outpatient costs) in accordance with § 419.31(c)(1).

(c) Wage index factor. (1) CMS uses the hospital inpatient prospective payment system wage index established in accordance with Part 412 of this chapter to make the adjustment specified under paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) For services furnished beginning January 1, 2011, the wage index factor provided for in paragraph (c)(1) of this section applicable to any hospital outpatient department that is located in a frontier State, as defined in § 412.64(m) of this chapter, may not be less than 1.00.

(3) The additional payments made under the provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this section are not implemented in a budget neutral manner.

(d) Outlier adjustment—(1) General rule. Subject to paragraph (d)(4) of this section, CMS provides for an additional payment for a hospital outpatient service (or group of services) not excluded under paragraph (f) of this section for which a hospital's charges, adjusted to cost, exceed the following:

(i) A fixed multiple of the sum of—

(A) The applicable Medicare hospital outpatient payment amount determined under § 419.32(c), as adjusted under § 419.43 (other than for adjustments under this paragraph (d) or paragraph (e) of this section); and

(B) Any transitional pass-through payment under § 419.66.

(ii) At the option of CMS, a fixed dollar amount.

(2) Amount of adjustment. The amount of the additional payment under paragraph (d)(1) of this section is determined by CMS and approximates the marginal cost of care beyond the applicable cutoff point under paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(3) Limit on aggregate outlier adjustments—(i) In general. The total of the additional payments made under this paragraph (d) for covered hospital outpatient department services furnished in a year (as estimated by CMS before the beginning of the year) may not exceed the applicable percentage specified in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section of the total program payments (sum of both the Medicare and beneficiary payments to the hospital) estimated to be made under this part for all hospital outpatient services furnished in that year. If this paragraph is first applied to less than a full year, the limit applies only to the portion of the year.

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