Additional requirements for dipping and coating operations that use flammable liquids or liquids with flashpoints greater than 199.4 °F (93 °C).

§ 1910.125 Additional requirements for dipping and coating operations that use flammable liquids or liquids with flashpoints greater than 199.4 °F (93 °C).

If you use flammable liquids, you must comply with the requirements of this section as well as the requirements of §§ 1910.123, 1910.124, and 1910.126, as applicable.

You must also comply with this section if: And:
• The flashpoint of the liquid is 199.4 °F (93 °C) or above• The liquid is heated as part of the operation; or
• A heated object is placed in the liquid.

(a) What type of construction material must be used in making my dip tank? Your dip tank must be made of noncombustible material.

(b) When must I provide overflow piping? (1) You must provide properly trapped overflow piping that discharges to a safe location for any dip tank having:

(i) A capacity greater than 150 gallons (568 L); or

(ii) A liquid surface area greater than 10 feet (0.95 m ).

(2) You must also ensure that:

(i) Any overflow piping is at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter and has sufficient capacity to prevent the dip tank from overflowing;

(ii) Piping connections on drains and overflow pipes allow ready access to the interior of the pipe for inspection and cleaning; and

(iii) The bottom of the overflow connection is at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) below the top of the dip tank.

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