Accreditation Body responsibilities.

§ 8.4 Accreditation Body responsibilities.

(a) Accreditation surveys and for cause inspections. (1) Accreditation Bodies shall conduct routine accreditation surveys for initial accreditation, and then at least every three years to allow for renewal of certification.

(2) Accreditation Bodies must agree to conduct for-cause inspections upon the request of the Secretary.

(3) Accreditation decisions shall be fully consistent with the policies and procedures submitted as part of the approved Accreditation Body application.

(b) Response to noncompliant programs. (1) If an Accreditation Body receives or discovers information that suggests that an OTP is not meeting applicable accreditation or certification standards established or authorized under this part, or if a survey of the OTP by the Accreditation Body demonstrates that such standards are not being met, the Accreditation Body shall, within 60 days following discovery of the non-compliant condition(s) or applicable survey date:

(i) Provide written notice to the OTP that identifies each area of non-compliance, categorizes each non-compliant condition as either “minor” or “significant” as determined by the Accrediting Body, and requires the OTP to take corrective action to address the area(s) of non-compliance within a schedule, not to exceed 180 days, that the Accrediting Body deems appropriate based on the severity of the non-compliant conditions; and

(ii) Provide the Secretary with a copy of the written notice required under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

(2) Once an Accreditation Body provides an OTP with the notice described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, it shall verify the implementation of the corrective measures by the OTP within the specified schedule. Within 30 days following the last day of the specified schedule, the Accreditation Body shall provide written notice to the Secretary regarding whether the OTP has implemented the corrective measures.

(3) OTPs that are meeting the requirements of § 8.12, but are only required to correct minor non-compliant conditions shall be granted a three-year accreditation, beginning from the end date of the current and expiring accreditation period. Minor non-compliant conditions, found at the time of the survey that are not resolved, as determined by the Accreditation Body, within the OTP's three-year accreditation period and that remain areas of non-compliance during the OTP's subsequent three-year accreditation renewal survey, shall automatically be categorized as “significant” non-compliant conditions for purposes of the renewal survey and must be corrected in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

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