Access to and exchange of health data for providers and payers.

§ 457.731 Access to and exchange of health data for providers and payers.

(a) Application programming interface to support data exchange from payers to providers—Provider Access API. Beginning January 1, 2027, unless granted an extension or exemption under paragraph (c) of this section, a State must do the following:

(1) API requirements. Implement and maintain an application programming interface (API) conformant with all of the following:

(i) Section 457.730(c)(2) through (4), (d), and (e).

(ii) The standards in 45 CFR 170.215(a)(1), (b)(1)(i), (c)(1), and (d)(1).

(2) Provider access. Make the data specified in § 457.730(b) with a date of service on or after January 1, 2016, excluding provider remittances and beneficiary cost-sharing information, that are maintained by the State, available to enrolled CHIP providers via the API required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section no later than 1 business day after receiving a request from such a provider, if all the following conditions are met:

(i) The State authenticates the identity of the provider that requests access and attributes the beneficiary to the provider under the attribution process described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

(ii) The beneficiary does not opt out as described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(iii) Disclosure of the data is not prohibited by other applicable law.

(3) Attribution. Establish and maintain a process to associate beneficiaries with their enrolled CHIP providers to enable data exchange via the Provider Access API.

(4) Opt out and patient educational resources. (i) Establish and maintain a process to allow a beneficiary or the beneficiary's personal representative to opt out of the data exchange described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and to change their permission at any time. That process must be available before the first date on which the State makes beneficiary information available via the Provider Access API and at any time while the beneficiary is enrolled with the State.

(ii) Provide information to beneficiaries in plain language about the benefits of API data exchange with their providers, their opt out rights, and instructions both for opting out of data exchange and for subsequently opting in, as follows:

(A) Before the first date on which the State makes beneficiary information available through the Provider Access API.

(B) No later than 1 week after enrollment.

(C) At least annually.

(D) In an easily accessible location on its public website.

(5) Provider resources. Provide on its website and through other appropriate provider communications, information in plain language explaining the process for requesting beneficiary data using the Provider Access API required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. The resources must include information about how to use the State's attribution process to associate beneficiaries with their providers.

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