AAU: Foster US-India Research Ties Via Joint Institutes, Expanded Partnerships

The United States and India should establish joint research institutes focused on key scientific and societal challenges and make it easier for students and researchers from each country to travel to the other to study and collaborate, the Association of American Universities’ (AAU) Task Force on Expanding U.S.-India University Partnerships recommended in an interim report.[1]

In addition, the task force urged the two countries to share and support the development of each other’s human capital and physical research infrastructure.

“The time is ripe to examine how we further develop and expand academic and research partnerships with India,” the task force members wrote in the report.

“The United States and India share opportunities to strengthen both countries’ economies by enhancing educational attainment and investing more in research and development. We also share certain fundamental values and ideals. Both nations’ institutes of higher education are committed to values including academic freedom and scholarly excellence, while our people share a commitment to democratic ideals and universal human rights such as freedom of expression, free inquiry, and the open exchange of knowledge and information,” the report said.

By the middle of this year, India will overtake China as the world’s most populous country, according to recent United Nations estimates. India also has the advantage of having a significantly younger population: more than 40% of its estimated 1.4 billion people are under 25. Its economy is also among the fastest-growing in the world, recently outpacing France and the United Kingdom to rank fifth globally in nominal gross domestic product.

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