HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute

  1. What We Can Learn from a Review of 100 Standards of Conduct and How They May Help in the Development of Our Own Standards of Conduct - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Learn to identify key risk areas accurately and efficiently

    • Discuss major barriers and challenges in developing, revising and enhancing the standards of conduct

    • Explore options and solutions to strengthen our own standards of conduct

  2. Issues Whistleblowers Are Calling about in 2023 and Compliance Steps to Avoid Problems - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Understand the types of issues currently being pursued by whistleblowers and the government

    • Understand the complexities of pandemic-related enforcement issues

    • Gain a better understanding of the more traditional enforcement areas currently receiving attention

  3. Auditing Leased Instances of EMRs: Whose Job Is It Anyway? - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Understanding record ownership of leased instances of the EMR

    • Understanding the STARK implications of auditing for non-employed providers using a leased instance

    • Constructing contracts that clearly delineate auditing duties

  4. Building a Strong Compliance Infrastructure: Lessons Learned from Physician Practice Diligence - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | May 16, 2023 

    • The key components of a strong foundation often missing

    • Common cracks in the wall of infrastructure

    • How to self-assess to identify areas of focus for reinforcing the house

  5. Telehealth: The Past, Present, Future - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic telehealth regulations and guidance

    • Fraud schemes involving telehealth

    • Compliance considerations

  6. AI Ethics & Compliance-The Next Frontier - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Examine current trends, controversies, legislation and ethical principles in the field of AI

    • Discuss how organizations can implement an AI ethics oversight and compliance process

    • Provide a practical guide to developing an AI compliance plan and other oversight mechanisms

  7. Compliance 3.0: Lessons Learned in Rebuilding a Program and Putting It to the Test When OCR Comes Knocking - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • How to assess your program and create strategies and work plans

    • Tips on responding to oversight agency investigations

    • Taking your program to the next level using simple tools

  8. Ripped from the Headlines: Fraud Trends of Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Practice - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Examine recent federal cases demonstrating fraudulent activities in PA and NP practice

    • Discuss PA and NP scope of practice, and related compliance considerations

    • Design a strategy to educate and engage PAs and NPs on compliance considerations of practice

  9. When Outside Interests Become Inside Problems: Challenges, Successes, and Pragmatic Solutions for Conflicts of Interest Programs - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Hear conflict of interest management challenges, successes, and focus areas from three large health systems

    • Discuss case scenarios, elements of an effective conflict of interest program, and solutions for risk mitigation

    • Share experiences, examples, and practical ideas for engaging physicians and executives in a conflicts program

  10. Risk Stratification and Auditing under PDPM - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Discuss the value of using internal and external sources to analyze trends

    • Review development of a Risk Matrix utilizing benchmarks

    • Learn to evaluate if your data matches your business profile

  11. Challenges of Psychiatric Patients in the ED - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Determining next steps for transfer/discharge

    • Understanding law enforcement's responsibility

    • Ensuring EMTALA obligations are fulfilled

  12. Compliance and Internal Audit: Conducting and Coordinating Successful Joint Risk Assessments & Work Plans - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Obtain components of annual risk assessment and best practices to create annual workplans

    • Learn how compliance and internal audit can successfully conduct joint annual risk assessments

    • Identify successful practices of coordinated compliance and internal audit functions

  13. Driving Compliance after the Deal: Learning from Integration Planning 1, 2, 3 Years Post-Acquisition - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Compare M&A process across four recent deals, highlighting compliance due diligence and integration

    • Learn how to foster healthy cross-functional partnership and prioritize key compliance risks

    • Explore Best Buy Health's strategy within a new sector, using a recap of relevant compliance topics

  14. Research and HIPAA: Why Is It Still a Problem - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Uses and disclosures of PHI for research remains a problem for covered entities and researchers

    • Why the improper use and disclosure of PHI for research is a risk for patients/subjects

    • Confusion over the role of the IRB, requirements of the Common Rule and the HIPAA regulations

  15. Creating and Demonstrating the Value of Regulatory Compliance and Shaping a Culture of Compliance in Healthcare - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Identify effective ways to shape and measure compliance culture, from front-line workers to the CEO

    • Begin to embed regulatory change management process to enable value creation and culture shift

    • Show and communicate the value compliance creates, i.e. patient care, revenue, and avoided fines

  16. Benchmarking Your Whistleblowing Hotline & Incident Reporting Program - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • Healthcare organizations represent the second highest industry in the NAVEX database of over 1.5 million reports taken in the last year. Based on the new NAVEX Hotline Benchmarking Report, understand key trends in employee reporting, outcomes, and their trajectories

    • Understand where healthcare stands across the most important of these elements, analyzing where the industry leads and where they fall short

    • Gain strategies you can use with this data to measure, inform, and improve your speak-up culture and regulatory compliance

  17. Compliance Professionals and the False Claims Act - CI0423

    HCCA 27th Annual Compliance Institute  | April 26, 2023 

    • False Claims Act developments and compliance risk

    • Return of overpayments and deliberate ignorance and reckless disregard

    • Retaliation and Legal Update