22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute

  1. 602 Ripped from the Headlines: When Boards Fail in Their Oversight Role

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Share insights, lessons, and case studies of the failure of boards to provide effective oversight

    • Discuss the role of a board in reducing organizational fraud and misconduct, and in managing risk

    • Provide best practices of boards that demonstrate enhanced corporate governance and oversight

  2. 603 Data Sharing and International Data Transfers - Past, Present and Future

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • From Schrems I and Schrems II to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework; why there are regulatory challenges to international data transfers

    • What other jurisdictions (like China, Middle East and Asia) require for sharing personal data

    • Future plans and proposals from United Nations, OECD and others on global data transfer conventions

  3. 604 Cultural Compliance: Build to Last

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Engrain product compliance into Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

    • Innovate your compliance lifecycle objectives to incorporate future needs and regulations

    • Incorporate Global Environmental Compliance by designing it in from beginning stages

  4. 605 Heightened Expectations of the Compliance Officer: Negotiating the New Minefield

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Learn new expectations for CCOs from recent DOJ guidance and develop enhanced plans for internal investigations

    • Consider new legal developments regarding fiduciary duties of C-suite executives

    • Participate in a case study applying these new expectations

  5. 606 Ethical Leaders Have Focused on Moral Stress Now Let's Be Attentive to Moral Satisfaction

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Understand and measure moral attentiveness

    • Understand and recognize moral satisfaction

    • Practice effective tools for leaders to evoke attentiveness and satisfaction in their followers

  6. 607 The Best Way Out Is Through: Compliance Challenges and Fidelity to Mission When Responding to Sexual Abuse Crises

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Risks and responsibilities in addressing sexual abuse: Challenges and institutional opportunities

    • How effective leaders respond: Interacting with victims and demonstrating commitment to mission

    • The importance of independent review and restoring trust: Tracking progress and sharing results

  7. 701 Transitioning from Traditional Regulatory Compliance to Strategically Oriented Ethics & Integrity Program

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

  8. 702 Trust, but Assess: Conducting Assessment to Test and Enhance Your Program

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

  9. 703 Ableism in Workplace Investigations

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Raise awareness to Ableism as a systemic form of oppression

    • Discuss how Ableism shows up in the Workplace and impacts on Workplace Culture

    • Recommend changes to the Investigation Process to take into consideration Ableism

  10. 704 Establishing an Effective Compliance & Ethics Committee

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Learn why and when you might want to consider establishing a compliance and ethics committee

    • Understand how to reinvigorate or set up a compliance and ethics committee for the first time

    • Discuss tips and tricks to make your committee effective and visible within your organization

  11. 705 ESG: It Isn't Sustainability Theater

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Explore why organizations are developing ESG programs...even when they aren't required

    • Learn strategies to start small and grow, no matter your organization or team size

    • Understand their journey and learn how to shape yours

  12. 706 Spoiler Alert: There Is No Strategy without Risk Management

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • How to show value for risk management and how it relates to/ strengthens the compliance function

    • Learn how to get the board savvy, not just aware, on risk management and strategy

    • Hear strategies for engaging the board on risk management/ERM and the benefits to having a board and management risk and strategy partnership

  13. 707 Social Media: Keeping Up with the Changing Times

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 31, 2023 

    • Where are your risks? What should keep you up at night? Let's talk about where the risks are hiding

    • Learn best practices and strategies for social media policies and using social in hiring and firing

    • Planning for and living through a social media crisis - tips and tricks to survive and thrive

  14. 801 Connecting Data and People for a Bulletproof TPRM Strategy

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Third-party risk information is more often than not stored in different platforms and owned by different risk owners with little or poor infrastructure connecting stakeholders and data, in turn, leading to a flawed business risk management strategy

    • In this session, we explore how weaving risk information across categories, processes and platforms together will build a complete view of third-party risk, pre and post onboarding

    • Our speakers will look at the prerequisites of a resilient third-party risk management plan and how compliance teams can navigate a fluid risk environment with the help of scalable technology

  15. 802 Learning Differences: Compliance Education and Engagement for the Neurodiverse Worker

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

  16. 803 Amplification: Success at the Intersection of Ethics Training and Communication

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Understand how communication platforms can build on a training experience

    • Consider how training can be creative in its content if not the delivery system

    • Learn why keeping a conversation going works better than a simple knowledge check

  17. 804 Successfully Managing Your Whistleblowing Helpline during Periods of Industrial Unrest: Lessons Learned from Real Life

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Ensure your helpline is in good shape and well-known before things get heated to create trust

    • Avoid aggravating the situation through poorly worded, poorly timed, or poorly targeted communication

    • Follow standard processes to the letter to avoid accusations of bias or organizational injustice

  18. 805 People & Planet: Developing a Supply Chain and Human Right Strategy

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

  19. 806 Hacked! What to Do?

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Learn the key steps to take after a data breach

    • Minimize the losses after getting hacked

    • Identify actions that can prevent future breaches

  20. EB1 Everything I Know about Compliance & Ethics I Learned from Ted Lasso

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Success: Explore practical ideas to foster a psychologically safe environment in which employees feel comfortable speaking up and leaders have capacity to listen

    • Teamwork: Become a trusted partner to your business by meeting them where they are and together discover new, authentic ways to promote ethics across your organization

    • Lean into change: Learn tips on how best to respond when your compliance cycle is upset by external or internal factors, and discuss the value of communication and how to learn from change

  21. EB2 The Compliance and Ethics Career Framework: Deploying a Toolkit for Individual Career Growth, Staff Retention, and Team Development

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Deliver a career framework to assist career development for everyone in compliance and ethics roles

    • Identify practical examples explaining utility of career framework for team development

    • Provide useful tips for managers at all levels to use framework to retain key staff

  22. EB3 Ten Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became an Investigator

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 05, 2023 

    • You're not alone: how to rely on your internal stakeholders to fill in the gaps

    • Standardizing is key: how to develop standard templates and processes to drive consistency and alignment

    • Prepare for the unexpected: how to handle curveballs and a lack of information during the investigation process

  23. EB4 Making Compliance Training Great: From Two Minutes to Two Hours

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 05, 2023 

    • Learn content marketing strategies to help you grab attention - fast

    • See four techniques based on learning effectiveness research that you can put to work today

    • Get strategies to measure how well your training worked

  24. GS1 Artificial Intelligence - The Current Landscape for Compliance and Ethics

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 03, 2023 

    One of the top considerations for compliance and ethics professionals in today's environment is artificial intelligence. AI has already helped society in many ways and has so much potential for good, but can also raise compliance and ethical issues. This conversation will explore these topics and provide attendees with ideas for addressing artificial intelligence in a thoughtful manner

  25. GS3A Remarks by Lisa Monaco, Deputy Attorney General

    22nd Annual Compliance & Ethics Institute  | October 04, 2023 

    • Latest trends in corporate criminal enforcement and what that means for your compliance programs

    • What are DOJ's expectations for compliance programs in the context of 21st century challenges?

    • Deputy Attorney General answers questions from the audience