2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference

  1. Preparing for the Next Trade Compliance Crisis

    2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | September 22, 2023 

    • Baseline your existing trade compliance program by evaluating its current risk profile and controls

    • Prepare your organization with the connections and tools it will need to rapidly respond when a crisis hits

    • Use your new plan, tools, and communication pathways to address a crisis with confidence

  2. ESG & Compliance: Sisters, not Twins

    2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | September 22, 2023 

    • The perspective of a CCO who owns ESG for a $2 billion publicly-traded company

    • The good and the bad of ESG living with the Compliance Department

    • Practical insights to start your ESG journey

  3. The Science of Compliance: How Will the Department of Justice Evaluate Your Ethics and Compliance Program?

    2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | September 22, 2023 

    • Determine how Chapter 8 FSGO fines are calculated and applied by the DOJ

    • Review DOJ Declinations, DPAs, and NPAs Under the Biden Administration

    • Analyze how the DOJ evaluates E&C programs, giving practical example of questions they pose

  4. Ensuring Compliance: The Power of Monitoring and Auditing in a Corporate Compliance Program

    2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | September 22, 2023 

    • Understanding the key principles of monitoring and auditing, including the goals and objectives of each activity

    • You are Learn best practices and methodologies for monitoring and auditing that are tailored to the size/status of the organization

    • Be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the course to identify, evaluate, and mitigate compliance risks within an organization, and to evaluate the effectiveness of a company's compliance controls and procedures

  5. Removing the Negativity and Stigma of Speaking Up

    2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | September 22, 2023 

    • Discuss studied observations such as "The Deaf Effect," "Normalization of Deviance," and other concepts found in peer-reviewed literature

    • Explore key principles for creating a climate that promotes safe internal whistleblowing free from fear of retaliation

    • Understand the true value of issues raised via whistleblowing and the positive impact that can result for an organization

  6. Compliance and Ethics Risk Assessment: The Foundation of an Effective C&E Program - SCCE-DC_23

    2023 SCCE Washington DC Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | September 22, 2023