2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference

  1. People and Planet: Developing a Supply Chain and Human Rights Strategy

    2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | June 16, 2023 

    • A Human Rights Policy is not enough

    • An overview of the UN Guiding Principles on human rights

    • Human Rights Impact Assessments: when and how to conduct them

    • Beyond the contract: What to do with the results of the assessment

  2. Ethical AI/Cyber Concerns in Compliance

    2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | June 16, 2023 

    • Why the FBI needs to be part of your incident response plan

    • Who your organization can help catch cyber criminals

    • How to protect your organization from being the next victim

  3. Privacy - 2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference

    2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | June 16, 2023 

    • Impact of California privacy rules

    • Common exemptions

    • New state privacy laws, common features

  4. Whistleblowers: Global and Local Perspectives

    2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | June 16, 2023 

    • How the EU Whistleblower Directive impacts your compliance program

    • Best practices and tips for handling investigations the right way

    • Transparency: the new frontier of sharing investigation information

  5. It's 2023 and This Is What the DOJ Wants Now

    2023 SCCE Chicago Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | June 16, 2023 

    • Ephemeral Messaging

    • Implementing "incentives"

    • Revamping performance evaluations to include ethical conduct