2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference

  1. The Increasing Importance of Effective ESG Counterparty Due Diligence

    2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | July 15, 2022 

    • The need for ESG counterparty due diligence should be front of mind when designing an effective compliance framework.

    • Effective ESG due diligence requires proactive steps - public searches will generally be insufficient to identify all material red flags.

    • With the increasing risk of regulatory intervention where ineffective ESG due diligence has been carried out, companies should consider their potential exposure sooner rather than later.

  2. The Long Haul: Considerations and Examples for Maintaining Integrity in the Channel

    2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | July 15, 2022 

    • Due diligence continuation on existing partners

    • Updated expectations of channel partners

    • Consistence in treatment of channel partner violations across time and geography

  3. Leveraging lessons from recent global events to build a sustainable competitive advantage, utilizing Enterprise Risk Management

    2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | July 15, 2022 

    • Linking ERM concepts to intersect risk with optimal growth

    • Lift your risk framework to the next level based on learnings from the past two years

    • Apply risk concepts to improve the organisational value

  4. Compliance Education and Training Techniques

    2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | July 15, 2022 

    • Provide an understanding of the value proposition of education and training.

    • Discuss building and managing a compliance training program.

    • Discuss live vs virtual education techniques

  5. Digital Data Management - how to use data for business purposes without headaches?

    2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | July 15, 2022 

    • To understand how to transform Digital data for business purposes in a compliant way

    • To train compliance officers how to assess the data and digital technology and its applications

    • To provide tips and best practices

  6. Are robots running the compliance program?

    2022 Singapore Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | July 15, 2022 

    • Streamlining the compliance review process through the use of automation and bots

    • Providing a clear process for the end user declaring conflicts of interests, trade association participation, and questions on whether to accept/provide a gift or entertainment

    • Creative ways to use products already available in the Microsoft Office suite - compliance games, quizzes, and choose-your-adventure to educate and track areas for further education