2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference

  1. Impacts of the Pandemic: A Panel Discussion

    2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | Presenter(s): Roxane MacGillivray, Dawn Kimmich, Nancy Hayt  | April 23, 2021 

    • The impact of the pandemic on corporate ethics & compliance programs

    • How was corporate culture impacted and how will it change in the future?

    • What have we learned and how can that positively impact how we do business?

  2. Internal Investigations (2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference)

    2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | Presenter(s): Wendy Evans  | April 23, 2021 

    • Tips for conducting effective workplace investigations during a pandemic—intake to final report

    • Legal and practical considerations for the investigator

    • Domestic vs. international considerations

  3. A Conversation with Government Enforcement

    2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | Presenter(s): Gabe Imperato, Randy Harwell, Roger Handberg  | April 23, 2021 

    • Criminal, civil, and administrative enforcement during 2021

    • Department of Justice priorities for criminal and civil actions

    • Fraud and the CARES Act, SBA funds and other pandemic stimulus payments

  4. Best Practices and Engagement with Employees During the Pandemic

    2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | Presenter(s): Courtney Wallize, Dominic Hall  | April 23, 2021 

    • Strategies and ideas on how ethics organizations can adjust their programs to address new realities and risks during the Pandemic

    • Helping employees and leaders deal with change and be resilient in times of crisis

    • Moving from surviving to thriving – taking the opportunity to influence change within the organization

  5. Global Cybersecurity & Privacy 2021

    2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | Presenter(s): Roy H. Wyman, Robert Bond  | April 23, 2021 

    • The impact of global data privacy laws on compliance

    • International data transfers post Schrems II

    • Cyber Security and Data Protection in a world of Regulatory Fines and Class Actions

  6. #Out-of-Office: #SocialMediaLifeAtWork

    2021 Tampa Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference  | Presenter(s): Dawn Siler Nixon, Ginnette Ciesla, Ana-Paola “AP” Capaldo Aoun  | April 23, 2021 

    • Themes and hot topics related to social media in the era of COVID

    • Incorporating collaboration tools in the workplace and establishing Governance Model for social media platforms

    • Legal implications of social media and best practices to manage social media issues in a new landscape