2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference

  1. Remote Workplace Investigations

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Brett Holubeck  | October 06, 2020 

    • Attendees will know how to conduct an investigation for an employee that is working remotely

    • Participants will understand the basics of conducting an investigation when they are working remotely and other individuals are working on-site

    • Attendees will recognize the different methods of investigation that are necessary to adapt in-person investigations to a remote work environment

  2. Ensuring Hot Topics are Captured In An Effective Joint Compliance and IA Risk Assessment

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jarod Baccus, Gregory Ehardt  | August 05, 2020 

    • Identify “Hot Topics” and key risks from multiple sources to make sure you are assessing the correct compliance, revenue cycle, financial, information technology, and operational information for your organization

    • Demonstrate key steps your organization can take to build and perform an “Effective” Joint Compliance and Internal Audit Risk Assessment

    • Analyze and interpret quantitative and qualitative feedback to build the proper Compliance Work Plan and Internal Audit Plan for your organization

    • Ensure Next-Gen innovative concepts are integrated into designing, conducting, performing, and reporting your audits

  3. How Can Behavioral Science or Economics Help Transform Corporate Compliance and Sustainability Efforts?

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jonathan Drimmer, Katryn Wright  | July 07, 2020 

    • Behavior change

    • Behavioral science

    • Compliance

  4. Next Generation Compliance Auditing and Analytics

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Landon Adkins, Jarod Baccus, Leyla Erkan  | June 25, 2020 

    • Describe the importance of a compliance program audits and the next generation compliance audit approach and supporting governance, methodology, and enabling technology frameworks

    • Discuss how to utilize high impact reporting to demonstrate dynamic risk assessment and continuous monitoring results and other high-value analytic insights

    • Demonstrate actionable analytic examples that can be derived and clearly articulated using enabling technologies such as robotics process automation, process mining, and data visualization business intelligence software

    • Assess where your organization’s compliance audit function stands today and determine what steps can be taken to mature your compliance audit capabilities in the pursuit of next-gen auditing

  5. Questions to Ask When Disciplining or Terminating Employees

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Brett Holubeck  | June 16, 2020 

    • Was the rule or policy known to the employee?

    • Have all other employees who violated the rule or policy been similarly disciplined or terminated?

    • Are there extenuating circumstances that would mitigate the level of discipline or termination?

  6. Accountability and Transparency through Third-Party Monitoring & Compliance

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Debora Dansker  | June 15, 2020 

    • The importance of a deep due diligence pre-engagement of third parties

    • How to determine a proactive, on-going and risk based approach monitoring towards Third Parties

    • How technology can offer an advantage for Third Parties monitoring process

  7. Digital Transformation of a Compliance Program End-to-End: From Spend Approval to Continuous Spend

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Piyush Sharma, Zachary Coseglia, Parth Chanda  | May 26, 2020 

    • How to use technology and intelligent automation to allow the business to take greater accountability

    • How to integrate compliance processes into enterprise financial systems for added controls

    • How to use AI and data analyticsto monitor spend continuously to detect potential problems and risks

    • How to leverage technology to break down functional silos and bring stakeholders together

  8. New & Emerging Business Risks Require Innovative Compliance Solutions and 'Fresh' Thinking: Multiple Perspectives on Workforce Challenges During Times of Crisis

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Richard Bistrong, Amanda Raad, Jules Colborne-Baber  | May 07, 2020 

    • How can compliance leaders affirmatively address anxiety and stress among the workforce, as to maintain a strong ‘speak-up’ mindset, and to assure employees that even in the face of uncertainty, reporting misconduct and asking questions when uncertain remains a foundational part of corporate culture?

    • What are the elements of a compliance and control function ‘tool-kit’ that might require a ‘fresh’ look when emerging from a crisis, including communications, workshops, and the use of data?

    • Bringing in the three practitioners with extensive legal, investigatory, and commercial experience, this webinar is designed to assist those tasked with keeping their program strong and effective, where new business risks require a new way of thinking

  9. HR: A Valuable Contributor to Establishing, Maintaining and Monitoring and Ethical Corporate Culture

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Jeffrey M. Tilton  | May 06, 2020 

    • Why is it necessary and what is the value, to an organization (Public, Private, Non-profit) to establish a robust “Tone at the Top”?

    • Who in an organization is responsible for the formulation, guidance and maintenance of “Tone at the Top”?

    • What are the tools that can be used to effectively establish and maintain “Tone at the Top”?

    • How can and what tools can an organization utilize to monitor the effectiveness of their “Tone at the Top”?

  10. Effective Third Party Due Diligence and Monitoring

    2020 SCCE & HCCA Web Conference  | Presenter(s): Gerry Zack  | April 16, 2020 

    • Designing a risk-based third party compliance management programme

    • Techniques for auditing and monitoring third parties

    • Important contract terms for third party monitoring