Don't Be Surprised! How Ambulatory Care Providers Can Streamline Compliance with the No Surprises Act - CI0423

Susan Prior, Principal, BerryDunn.

Robyn Hoffmann, Senior Manager, BerryDunn.


  • Define key components of the No Surprises Act requiring provision of a Good Faith Estimate, the anatomy of a compliant GFE, and HHS enforcement mechanisms for non-compliance

  • Discuss the panoply of applicable laws and regulations to consider in addition to NSA when developing financial assistance and cost-sharing policies, such as state balance billing laws, Beneficiary Inducement, Fair Credit Reporting, MFN rules, and ERISA

  • Apply standardized methodologies and the tools shared by the presenters to develop patient-friendly, NSA compliant, scalable workflows for any size or specialty medical practice or ambulatory services provider

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