Take action now to prevent burnout

Kelly Willenberg (kelly@kellywillenberg.com) is President and CEO of Kelly Willenberg LLC in Greenville, SC.

It’s Monday morning and you are barely started for the day when a good employee submits their resignation. You were not expecting it, nor had any idea they were looking for another opportunity. Your mind is racing. What precipitated their exit? How do you fill the void?

According to Morning Consult, since February 2020, 18% of healthcare workers have quit their jobs.[1] Doctors and nurses are leaving the industry, which has decreased morale in some research offices. With taking on more responsibilities and working remotely, some offices have struggled. Stressed efficiency due to quick pivots caused some angst. Both job satisfaction and burnout constructs are well studied among clinicians, while burnout and its consequences are understudied among the population of our research.[2] How does burnout play a role in your ability to stay compliant?

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