Exercise to Develop 'Ambition Statement' for Transformation

Here’s a brief description of a table-top exercise to help employees develop a vision that furthers the transformation of compliance and internal audit, said Heidi Trier, a principal with Ernst & Young (see story, p. 1). Contact Trier at heidi.trier@ey.com.

Activity to Consider Developing the Vision

Developing Your Ambition


25 min – table team activity

25 min – playback


Develop an ambition statement that articulates your team’s vision for the role of the hospital’s office of corporate compliance and internal audit.


  • Step 1: Within each table team, have a discussion around the roles that compliance and audit can play and how these roles are balanced based on the desired intent and outcomes, considering the voice of customer feedback and leading practices we shared earlier.

  • Step 2: As a table team, review the image cards. Select 6-10 images that you feel represent the future that the hospital’s corporate compliance and internal audit should aspire to and tack them up on your poster chart. Be prepared to share why you chose the images you selected.

  • Step 3: As a table team, draft up a mission statement—a bold idea for the future of the hospital’s corporate compliance and internal audit, considering the ideas that are inspired by the images you selected and add it to your poster.

  • Step 4: Elect a spokesperson who will play back the team’s discussion to the broader group.

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