2020 Virtual Research Compliance Conference

  1. Managing Compliance as an NCI National Community Oncology Research Program NCORP Site?

    2020 Virtual Research Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Sarah Duffy-Clinton, Stacey Medeiros  | June 01, 2020 

    • Examine the NCORP program’s structure from both a main site and a sub-site perspective

    • Overview of the various research compliance items that need to be managed: grants, research billing, IRB review, data integrity, document management

    • Provide tips on managing cooperative group research compliance from both a main site and sub-site perspective

  2. Stop! Or Else I'll Say Stop Again! Institutional Responses to COI Noncompliance

    2020 Virtual Research Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Craig Conway  | June 01, 2020 

    • An interactive session designed to share ideas and best practices

    • How do institutions respond when faculty members or employees intentionally or unintentionally fail to adhere to federal, state, or institutional COI requirements?

    • This session will seek to identify common COI noncompliance areas We will provide strategies and recommendations for handling COI noncompliance that participants may take back to their respective institutions

  3. The Civil Monetary Penalties Law and the Role of HHS-OIG: Self-Disclosure and Enforcement

    2020 Virtual Research Compliance Conference  | Presenter(s): Michael Torrisi, Geeta Taylor  | June 01, 2020 

    • Have you identified potential fraud or non-compliance impacting your award? This presentation will help institutions and recipients of HHS awards understand their responsibilities to report potential misconduct

    • Review BASICs of grant self-disclosures including mandatory disclosures of Federal criminal law violations, voluntary disclosures of conduct violating civil or administrative law, as well as the benefits of self-disclosure

    • Overview of HHS-OIG sanctions for improper conduct related to federal awards under the Civil Monetary Penalties Law