
§ 171.102 Definitions.

For purposes of this part:

Access means the ability or means necessary to make electronic health information available for exchange or use.

Actor means a health care provider, health IT developer of certified health IT, health information network or health information exchange.

API Information Source is defined as it is in § 170.404(c).

API User is defined as it is in § 170.404(c).

Certified API Developer is defined as it is in § 170.404(c).

Certified API technology is defined as it is in § 170.404(c).

Electronic health information (EHI) means electronic protected health information as defined in 45 CFR 160.103 to the extent that it would be included in a designated record set as defined in 45 CFR 164.501, regardless of whether the group of records are used or maintained by or for a covered entity as defined in 45 CFR 160.103, but EHI shall not include:

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